Saturday, May 18, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

  New York State Office of Children and Family Services

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services provides a range of resources to help parents with their child care needs, people who want to start or are currently running child care programs, and anyone with a concern about the health or safety of a child in a day care program.

Childcare council of Rochester is a not for profit child care resource and referral corporation dedicated to the support of high quality early care and education. Child Care Council provides information, education, support and resources to childcare providers, parents, and the community.

Autism Up is an autism advocacy organization in Rochester and the surrounding areas. Founded in 2004, by

 a small group of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, there mission is to support individuals 

with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and their families, by expanding and enhancing opportunities to improve

 quality of life.  Autism Up helps the parent with information on Autism.

I would be excited to work in any of these organization, teaching groups or training courses would very interesting to me.
 Adult education teachers, who work in settings such as community colleges and adult high schools, are typically required to hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree but most preferred a master degree. Adult education teachers instruct adults in areas such as reading, math and writing. I would someday like to teach adult students in the field of early childhood education

I think the information that I can learned from Walden has given me the skills that I need for the positions that may come from any of these organizations.


  1. Hi, Naquetta

    We have an Autism Organization in the next county from me, and we have big rodes for the children with Austism Spectrum Disorder every year. It is so much fun to interact with them and watch them have fun at there on level. Thanks for infomation on Austism Up.

  2. It seems as thuogh you have found some very interesting places of employment. Were you able to see how well the positions pay. Out of the three you chose I think I would like to work for Office of Children and Family Services. I will check out their website.

    Josie Zbaeren

  3. Hi Naquetta,
    Thank you for your blog post of organizations in your area of New York. New York is a place I would love to visit soon and guess where I will be going: Autism Up. That is a cool name. My son (age 25)has been out of a program for over a year and home with me, I can really use some support now. We live so rural the auto insurance rates go up due to mileage.

    Also, I always get happy when someone wants to learn about Autism. They are doing a lot of research these days and getting tons of support. I have been writing a book about my adventures with my son since 2006, I have three chapters now and have gotten in contact with a publisher. The mission of the National Autism Association is to respond to the urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential.Are there many job openings in Rochester, New York for Early Child Development professionals?

    National Autism Society (2013). Retrieved June 1, 2013 from
