Saturday, June 16, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

While looking through the UNESCO website I can across information regarding education around the world. I looked at a few countries and found some interesting information on Africa. The UNESCO has made Africa its priority, they feel that education is key to the region’s development. UNESCO has many field offices serving Africa and they work to keep education high on the agenda of governments and development partners.
They had information on access and equity, they talked about how countries try to promote alternative services for poor children with limited or no access to mainstream early childhood services which can be cost-effective and pedagogically innovative, but often it can raise concerns about sustainability and quality (UNESCO, 2012). They also provided information on how governments must ensure a fair supply of resources among different populations and especially those who live in the most disadvantaged regions. This approach is aim to expand access without creating serious regional inequities. (UNESCO, 2012).
Investment and financing is another topic that was discussed on the website. Countries have the greatest difficulty with their efforts to expand and improve the quality of early childhood care and education is the mobilization of resources. This has become for the most part discouraging in developing countries, where early childhood is overshadowed by other pressing priorities, such as universal primary education. (UNESCO, 2012).
UNESCO. (2012) Early Childhood Care and Education. Africa. Retrieved from


  1. Hi,
    Good post. Africa seems to be the main focus for international assistance and as you said, many countries in Africa have challenge in distributing their resources to the area of greatest need which we have discovered to be early care and education. While Universal Basic Education is important, laying a solid foundation through proper child care at birth through 5years will yield greater result in terms of developmental gains.

  2. Great Post! Love the topic that you bought up saying that countries have the greatest difficulty with their efforts to expand and improve the quality of early childhood care and mobilization of resources and that it has become very discouraging in developing countries, This statement is true even in our country so I can only imagine what it it like in those developing nations.
