Throughout this week I didn't detected any
examples of microaggression, so I started to think back over the years and I
remember when I was working for this company and I was switched to a different
floor. As I began to meet my new coworkers, I started talking to this one girl,
as we talked and to start to get to know each other, she asked me where in the
city did I lived. I told her that I lived on the west side of town; she asked me if
I knew a girl who like me was black and lived in the city. I informed her that
I did not know her. This conversation left me thinking that she believed that I
should know all black people or that all blacks knew each other. I wasn't sure
if I was insulted or how I should feel about it, because I don’t feel that she
said it in a rude way. I guess it left me more confused than anything else.
I don’t often think about discrimination,
prejudice and or stereotypes because it is something that you just live with or
deal with when it happens. It’s the world we live in, I would love for it to
never exist but it does. But going through this course and reading and viewing
the resources for this week I have a better understanding of the feelings that
come with being a victim if it.